
Lotus Business Partners

An industry of third-party providers

When you choose a solution from Sun and Lotus, you're really getting a solution backed by Sun, Lotus, and an entire industry of third-party vendors. That's because we practice our Working Together creed, partnering with other hardware, software and service providers. Our goal is to ensure that customers get the best solutions for their enterprises -- based on standards but custom tailored to meet unique business needs.

Lotus, through its Lotus Business Partner program and Sun, through its Internet Associates Program, have each created an infrastructure designed to foster customer success. The Sun/Lotus Alliance team leverages both programs to cross-train and support mutual Sun/Lotus partners. The result is a solid subset of Sun/Lotus specialists.

To learn more about Lotus Business Partners, or to locate one to assist your efforts, visit the Lotus Web site at www2.lotus.com/partners.nsf.

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